Barrister Cigars
Your Exclusive Destination for Exceptional Cigar Experiences
At Barrister Cigars, we take immense pride in curating a distinguished collection of rare and unique cigars, offering enthusiasts an unparalleled experience that transcends the ordinary.
Discover the Extraordinary at Barrister Cigars
At Barrister Cigars, every visit is an invitation to explore a world where each cigar tells its own unique story. Specializing in hard-to-find and limited-edition blends, we ensure our patrons have access to the most exclusive cigars sourced from renowned tobacco regions worldwide.
As one of only two Liga Privada Lounges in the United States, Barrister Cigars offers an unparalleled experience for cigar enthusiasts.
Whether you’re a seasoned connoisseur or a newcomer eager to learn, our knowledgeable staff is here to guide you. With personalized recommendations and expert insights, we’re committed to helping you discover the perfect cigar to match your taste.
Exceptional Customer Service at Barrister Cigars
At Barrister Cigars, we believe every cigar aficionado is unique, and their preferences deserve personalized attention.
Our team of dedicated experts is here to make your visit more than just a shopping experience—it’s an opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of cigars. Whether you’re a novice seeking guidance or a seasoned collector searching for rare gems, we provide tailored assistance with enthusiasm and expertise.
Experience the difference that exceptional customer service makes at Barrister Cigars, where every visit is crafted to meet your individual needs and preferences.
Discover Exceptional Cigars at Barrister Cigars
Immerse yourself in the world of premium tobacco and curated excellence at Barrister Cigars. We are located at 2565 US-22, Union, NJ 07083 and our doors are open from 12 PM to 7 PM, Monday through Thursday, with extended hours on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, from 12 PM to 9 PM, offering the perfect sanctuary for cigar enthusiasts and newcomers alike.
We understand that your time is valuable, and your passion for cigars deserves a space dedicated to quality and discovery. Explore our carefully curated selection during our open hours and experience the finest cigars in an inviting and relaxed atmosphere.
At Barrister Cigars, every visit is an opportunity to indulge in the art of fine smoking.